The Founders

An Entrepreneurial spirit
Shuparshad Bansal Agarwal, born in 1893, was a pioneer and visionary of great determination. He left home near Agra, in northern India when he was a young man, and came to Malaysia to assist his uncle in running a provision shop.
Shuparshad Bansal Agarwal
He was known for his benevolence, determination and vision. As an Indian immigrant in an alien land, he conducted himself with great dignity and intelligence, and his efforts won him the trust of the local British rulers.
His vision was to create a lasting corporation, with his family. It was a simple wish that his brothers and later his son Dato Sri Brijkishore Agarwal would fulfil in great style. Brijkishore showed the same family traits of determination and perseverance. Shuparshad died when Brijkishore was only 9 years old. As such,Brijkishore was thrust into the business in his youth, and was guided by his uncles. Brijkishore was also ably helped in growing the business by Brijkishore’s younger brother Shriniwas.The trust amongst the family members is the cornerstone and bedrock of the company’s continued success.

Brijkishore’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to acquire land from the British, and later, to grow the tea estate in reach and size. He developed the wholesale business of the company, striking various deals and alliances with key brands, both local and international. He supported the foray into the retail space; his legacy continues not just in the family, but in the Cameron Highlands. The local community remembers him fondly.