About Us

The Bharat Group
The Bharat Group is a diversified business with roots in Malaysia. It produces some of Malaysia’s favourite tea labels. Initially a supplier of tea leaves to leading Malaysian and international brands, today the company is growing its retail presence with its key brand Cameron Valley.
From the dream to determination, the company has greatly advanced since its inception in the 1920s in scenic Cameron Highlands, by Shuparshad Bansal Agarwal. Beginning in the age of the British Empire, surviving Japanese occupation in world war II and then expanding rapidly in the exciting era of Malaysia Independence, the Bharat Group developed its expertise and extended its supply chain, growing in both size and scale.
Today the company is a significant nation-builder, contributing immensely to the national economy and giving back to the local communities.
The hill settlement of Cameron Highlands founded by the British in 1885,over the years, has grown and developed into a bustling community, in some part due to the efforts and initiatives of pioneers such as the Bharat Group